Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Seraya Apartment, Taman Kajang Utama

Tiba-tiba...tengah nanggar gambar-gambar lamak dlm laptop...teringat ngan zaman baruk kawen & pindah masok ke Seraya Apartment. Di sia lah Gegirl membesar (dalam perut). Sangat happy diam d umah ya yang dah rasa macam umah kedirik...rindu...






masa baruk-baruk pindah masok...
nang asak ati time tok koh...

dapor & dining area (makin rindu eh.too many sweet memories ;')

Gambar tok was taken at a clinic on the 1st Ramadhan 2008
(it was around midnight)
Still vividly remember that hubby had a fever that night after bertungkus-lumus berkemas umah before we moved-in.

Jaik ati nangga gambar tok. Me & my siblings with Akong.
We were at Sunway Pyramid.
I was carrying Gegirl in my womb (around 5 months preggy) Alfatihah to Arwah Syafiq... :'[

Lazying & Lepaking at home. I really miss those times! Spending quality time together at home *bliss*

Sayu hati bila nangga gambar tok. Packing semua barang...


I'll always remember & won't erase all those sweet memories...rindu menar time tok koh...