So, as planned…around 10.30am off to Normah with hubby and headed straight to Mulu Wing. Ilek-ilek ajak coz I thought after being monitored with the CTG machine boleh balit trus. Afterall, none of the three major labor signs has knocked the door yet. Waterbroke, stain of blood , contractions. Maybe there were few contractions but mild ones & there were stain of blood but that was cause by S&S (senang crita it’s a vaginal examination). Dr Suria did S&S procedure once again that morning and told me that my serviks hasn’t dilated yet while the CTG reading was not stable. That was around 11.30am. Once I had my contractions which were mild ones (known as Braxton Hicks), baby’s heartbeat dropped below 120 (normal 140 to 160). Dr Suria wasn’t happy with the reading and worried what will happen once I had the real-seriously-painful-contractions.
There were no other options but to immediately go for ceaserian section. When she told me that I had to go for c-section, tuhan jak tauk mcm ney rasa ati. Segala bagai rasa. Yalah nak,sapa sik takut..c-section is a major operation. Moreover, the operation bukan nya esok or bukan nya malam ya but immediately after being attached to the CTG machine. Beliang skejap. I tried my very best to remain calm and not to act panic because I didn’t want hubby to get panic too. Changed to a green hospital gown & trus ke operation theater. Everything was so fast sampey my mom sik sempat mok datang before 12.30pm. She was attending a wedding reception @ Civic Centre. And koatan begaut tek nak, eye shadow & eyeliner pun sik sempat mok di cuci. Ber'make-up' I di operate. ;p
There were 3 doctors…my gynae;Dr Suria, baby’s paediatrician; Dr Alex and an anaestheologist; Dr Wan. Firstly, Dr Wan did his part; epidural procedure. Few seconds after he injected the epidural, both legs were getting hot and numb. Then, I can’t felt the lower part of my body aih. I can’t even locate where my legs were. Oh ya, hubby was with me all along and he witnessed the whole process. He is my strength. If u’re reading this, thanx for being there sayang. Thanx for everything. And I’m very proud of u! (bukan semua org brani mok tengok operation mcm ya aih)
On the bedah-bedah perut part, I don’t know to describe how I felt…macam nyawa ujong tanduk. Breathless. Sesak menar nyawa time ya & the moment Dr Wan push my chest, I can’t breathe for few seconds. Hubby said that was the moment when the doctors ngeluar baby dr perut. I was very drowsy and sleepy but I tried my best to open my eyes sbb mok tgk baby! 21st June 2009 @ 1.04pm, weight 2.9kg, 48cm height… our baby came into the world. Our healthy & beautiful baby girl. I saw the true happiness in my husband & I’m proud that I’m the chosen one ;) I love u and my love for u is unlimited till the end of my life.
Alhamdulillah that both my pregnancy and delivery process was easy in a way that I didn’t face much problem.
Also thank you to kitakorg semua2; family & friends for the warm wishes and prayers. May Allah blessed your life with happiness too. =)
Noor Qayrina Raudhah binti Hamfatullah Syawal. 21st June 2009; 1.04pm 2.9kg, 48cm ;D