Friday, October 30, 2009


I never hate anybody else as much as I hate him. I have to admit that I h.a.t.e him for being irresponsible to himself. No respect to himself. Apa lagik to respect other people. Ok,fine..mun ko sik respect aku,ku pun dah sik lalek. But you have to pay respect to orang yg ngeluar kau ke muka bumi tok. Mun ko dah sik pandey gik nak respect urang lain, at least to them. Jangan kata nak molah sidaknya happy, nak respect sidaknya pun payah!

And I am soooo sick with all his drama. Sekda orang nyuroh ko jadi perfect, mintak ko olah bagus jak bah. Tok bila ditegur,lalu berdrama. Rasa ku nak muntah ngeraong jak. Pa’kal bah. There are so many reasons why I hate him so much. Too many for me to list them one by one. Erggh! Some of them are just tooooo bad and toooo much! I can’t pretend that I’m ‘ok’ with what he did. Now, the thing is…will he change? I just can pray that he’ll change to a better person. Soon. But what if orang lain jak gago doa k nya but he..himself still with his attitude?? Lu pikey lah sendiri.

If I’ve choice to choose, I’d rather…….hmmm...malas ku nak nyambong ayatku. Pa'kal bah.

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