Monday, November 30, 2009


It’s been awhile since my last entry. While I was in KL, I’ve been planning to update my blog daily or alternately but failed to do so. Sebabnya, I was sooo busy being a full-time mom for the last 3weeks. You might think that it’s just my plain excuse…but, really…single-handed during the day while hubby went to his office…is not easy. Best rasa being with her 24/7 but very tired. Very the very…to the extend, bila rasa nak ke toilet/nak mandik/nak makan/waima nak minum pun terpaksa bertahan sbb Gegirl maok di embak sentiasa or else nya akan nangis. Seriously I was very unsak-unsey sik terkabey dah ngan dirik. ;p No ‘me-time’ for me during the day. I think maybe..maybe this is the cause to my sickening-bad constipation last week. ;p

Just so you know, we celebrated Eid al-Adha in Malacca this year with my father-in-law’s relatives. A week before that we went to Cameron Highland for a night-stay. Oh ya! Gegirl also turned 5mth old on that same week. Ermm…macam mengarey jak entry kamek tok. I’ve a lottttt to blog..somehow sik tauk giney nak entry jak u’olls. =)

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