Saturday, August 1, 2009

mari baca buku

I really want to go to MPH..sekarang jugakkk! More Sophie Kinsella's pleaseee! Sungguh & sangat addicted,okay. Reading her books rasa cam tgk drama series. =) I read 2 of her books sepanjang confinement period tok tek; Shopaholic & Baby and another one is Can You Keep A Secret. Baca slow2 sebab sayang mok baca & abis cepat.hhehe. They were hilarious tales and definetely worth every penny,aih! Actually, semua buku-buku nya bestt.. Those which i've read:

1. Confessions of a shopaholic (introduce to u who Becky Bloomwood is..rate: 8/10)

2. Shopaholic takes Manhattan (not much drama,barely igt jln critanya.hehe..rate: 7/10)

3. Shopaholic ties the knot (how she prepared for her wedding day which mentuanya pun character sangatlah mcam boss Anna Hathaway dlm The Devil Wears Prada ya..i sememangnya imagine Meryl Streep bila tgh baca..& teringt juak crita Bride Wars when they mentioned The Plaza!ehhe..rate: 9/10)

4. Shopaholic & sister (how she found out that she has a sister..yang sgtlah jauh beza perangai nyaduak..rate: 8/10)

5. Shopaholic & baby (those mummy-to-be mesti sukkkaaaa gilaaa maca yg cgek tok..about her gynae,shopping for strollers,baby clothes,maternity clothes.. =D ..funny & ada part emo2 juak!..rate: 10/10)

6. Can u keep a secret (about Emma Corrigan yg terpadah all her secrets to a stranger in a plane who's actually CEO company nya keja! ahaha! the funniest so far..& romantic. =) rate: 10/10)

Now, i really look forward to read her new-release book,Twenties Girl & also books by her writing as Madeleine Wickham (Cocktails for three,The wedding girl,etc.)

Capatla hari Selasa...sik saba mok abis confinement...mok g bli bukuuu

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