All this while, kmk mala jak bercerita pasal my baby princess, Qayrina. So for today’s entry I’ll bercerita pula pasal my baby boy =) (very rare topic, kann)
This year we’ll celebrate our 10th anniversary (still few months away,btw) as lovers. Kalu anniversary kawen baru masok 2nd year, ok dik kakak. Honestly I am soooo blessed-bertuah-ber’vangga’ to have him as my husband. He’s not only my husband but also my best friend & soul-mate. *jiwang mode on ckit*
Zaman mula-mula ber”gewe”, saya hanyalah seorang budak sekolah yg nak ambik SPM few days before we met & he was a 2nd year UTM Skudai student. Then I enter matriculation for only 1 semester,selepas itu saya sengaja menge’fail’kan diri ye kawan-kawan. He was still studying nun di seberang Laut China Selatan. Lepas itu saya masuk UiTM and grad with both a Diploma and a Bachelor Degree (setelah insaf & belajar sungguh-sungguh). By that time, si dia sudah berkerjaya. Mula-mula kerja di Bumi Kenyalang (few months) akan tetapi lepas ya terus terbang ke hujung sempadan Malaysia-Thailand. As I’ve mentioned in 1 of my entries, lepas saya selesai with my first-degree saya terus kerja…di Kuching.
Kesimpulannya Dik Kakak, zaman bergerek saya dikategorikan sebagai long-distance relationship. Saya di sini, si dia di sana. Alhamdulillah, after 8yrs berkawan-kawanan kamekduak pun berkahwinan (maaf, bahasa lintang-pukang teramat). And now, our small-happy-family diserikan & diriuhkan lagi dengan kehadiran Lil’Heroin a.k.a Baby Princess named Noor Qayrina Raudhah.
Few things about Mr Hubby…
1. He’s is a very meticulous person. Perfectionist. Kalau ada yg perfectionist di antara kamu (yes,kamu yg membaca) mahu challenge tahap ke’perfectionist’an Mr Hubby, saya rasa baik toksah yer.
2. He prefer spending time at home watching tv/melayan ‘budak kecik’ rather than merayo sik tentu rah pasar nun.
3. Mr Hubby seorang yg pemurah & sik berkira ngan duit. Luckily, his wife isn’t a ‘pisau cukur’ or a high maintainance lady yg mala mok mintak beli present bling-bling & mahal-mahal (I still have that Designer Bag in my wishlist,though) ;p
4. He’s a perfume collector. If I’m not mistaken he has nearly 20 bottles of perfumes and now some of it has been given to his friend (Koatan byk gilak. Mun I tek lalu dijual lam blog.oopss..)
5. Some might mistaken him as a 24/7 serious person. Sangatlah meleset tanggapan iteww,hokey. Bak kata pepatah omputeh, “Don’t Judge Book by It’s Cover”. He is easy to mix around with sesiapa sahaja sik mengira peringkat umur.
6. Don’t try to “eksen” with him. Because he’ll be triple “eksen” if u do so. ;)
7. If possible do not interrupt him in the morning (especially on weekends). It’s actually the only time for him to qada’ masa tidonya.
8. Lastly, Mr Hubby is The Simpsons’ big-fan! =)
...Right this moment, Mr Hubby is away from home. Tuntutan kerja menyebabkannya tiada cuti 3-hari weekend ini. Though he is away, not for a second that I ever forget to love and to miss him in my heart. In fact, it grows and blooms even more…
I miss him so dearly…