Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mr Hubby

All this while, kmk mala jak bercerita pasal my baby princess, Qayrina. So for today’s entry I’ll bercerita pula pasal my baby boy =) (very rare topic, kann)

This year we’ll celebrate our 10th anniversary (still few months away,btw) as lovers. Kalu anniversary kawen baru masok 2nd year, ok dik kakak. Honestly I am soooo blessed-bertuah-ber’vangga’ to have him as my husband. He’s not only my husband but also my best friend & soul-mate. *jiwang mode on ckit*

Zaman mula-mula ber”gewe”, saya hanyalah seorang budak sekolah yg nak ambik SPM few days before we met & he was a 2nd year UTM Skudai student. Then I enter matriculation for only 1 semester,selepas itu saya sengaja menge’fail’kan diri ye kawan-kawan. He was still studying nun di seberang Laut China Selatan. Lepas itu saya masuk UiTM and grad with both a Diploma and a Bachelor Degree (setelah insaf & belajar sungguh-sungguh). By that time, si dia sudah berkerjaya. Mula-mula kerja di Bumi Kenyalang (few months) akan tetapi lepas ya terus terbang ke hujung sempadan Malaysia-Thailand. As I’ve mentioned in 1 of my entries, lepas saya selesai with my first-degree saya terus kerja…di Kuching.

Kesimpulannya Dik Kakak, zaman bergerek saya dikategorikan sebagai long-distance relationship. Saya di sini, si dia di sana. Alhamdulillah, after 8yrs berkawan-kawanan kamekduak pun berkahwinan (maaf, bahasa lintang-pukang teramat). And now, our small-happy-family diserikan & diriuhkan lagi dengan kehadiran Lil’Heroin a.k.a Baby Princess named Noor Qayrina Raudhah.

Few things about Mr Hubby…

1. He’s is a very meticulous person. Perfectionist. Kalau ada yg perfectionist di antara kamu (yes,kamu yg membaca) mahu challenge tahap ke’perfectionist’an Mr Hubby, saya rasa baik toksah yer.

2. He prefer spending time at home watching tv/melayan ‘budak kecik’ rather than merayo sik tentu rah pasar nun.

3. Mr Hubby seorang yg pemurah & sik berkira ngan duit. Luckily, his wife isn’t a ‘pisau cukur’ or a high maintainance lady yg mala mok mintak beli present bling-bling & mahal-mahal (I still have that Designer Bag in my wishlist,though) ;p

4. He’s a perfume collector. If I’m not mistaken he has nearly 20 bottles of perfumes and now some of it has been given to his friend (Koatan byk gilak. Mun I tek lalu dijual lam blog.oopss..)

5. Some might mistaken him as a 24/7 serious person. Sangatlah meleset tanggapan iteww,hokey. Bak kata pepatah omputeh, “Don’t Judge Book by It’s Cover”. He is easy to mix around with sesiapa sahaja sik mengira peringkat umur.

6. Don’t try to “eksen” with him. Because he’ll be triple “eksen” if u do so. ;)

7. If possible do not interrupt him in the morning (especially on weekends). It’s actually the only time for him to qada’ masa tidonya.

8. Lastly, Mr Hubby is The Simpsons’ big-fan! =)

...Right this moment, Mr Hubby is away from home. Tuntutan kerja menyebabkannya tiada cuti 3-hari weekend ini. Though he is away, not for a second that I ever forget to love and to miss him in my heart. In fact, it grows and blooms even more…

I miss him so dearly…

Friday, February 26, 2010

18 things about 8 months-old baby

1. Her weight is around 9 kg. Exact weight tunggu till her next appointment with her Paed on early march.

2. Loves gadgets esp handphones! So pls keep ur handphone/s in ur pocket/handbag or else she’ll grab it from ur hand in seconds.

3. Her fav words = "papapa,mamama...papa,mamak"

4. Gegirl is very manjak with her papa. Mun dah main ngan papanya,kamek nunggah pun eksen sik tauk aie. Oh ya, she’s also manjak with her TokJack(my father).

5. To date, she has 6 teeth which surprised most of us because kebiasaannya baby with her age has 2/3 teeth and some babies belum tumbuh gigi lagi. *big-clap!* and she is one strong baby…alhamdulillah dlm proses teething sik kenak fever.

6. Nektok dah start gigit orang and I think I was her first ‘mangsa gigit’.When I eksen nangis sbb sakit(nang sakit pun) she’ll laugh! Aduhhaiii buah atiii..

7. Gegirl loves to click her tongue – cluck,cluck,cluck and looks very ngegeh (yet cute) bila molah mcm ya.

8. Her sleeping time:
During the day, on average 3 naps and each nap won’t exceed 2 hours. Typically 30-60mins.
On night time, 1 nap between Maghrib & Isyak which usually takes 20-30 mins. If more than that, alamatnya ready jak…heroin sikmok tido till midnight. Normal sleeping time is at 10.00-10.30pm. She will ‘nangis-eksen’ mun nya lapar tgh mlm (signal mok susu).

9. Loves bath-time! Loves splashing! Lencun lepas berik mandik nya..leboorrr..

10. Her hair is longer (a bit). She has fringe which I think soon needs to be trimmed.

11. On average, a box of her formula milk will last for a week. On the other hand, a pack of her diapers will last for 2 weeks. And just a note, both her formula milk and diapers are of the best among all brands. She is a high-maintenance baby.

12. Started to practice walking in her pink-walker and she can moves fast. Pheeewittt.

13. She also knows how to stand and walk in her own cot/playpen. She’ll be standing one minute then fall, pick up herself, then fall again…berulang-ulang mcm ya. Perseverance is good =)

14. Gegirl also loves discovering new things which made us to (always) moniter her. Ada jak nak di gigit/jilat/masok mulut.

15. When we asked her “ney fan(kipas) ney?” she’ll instantly look-up to the ceiling.

16. Few weeks ago,started sleeping in her own cot (good-girl anak mama). Before this we (papa,mama,gegirl) slept together on our king-sized bed and lil’heroin always conquered the bed sampey papa & mamanya tdo ke ujong katil. ;)

17. Sangat suka lau-lau(raon)!

18. Last but not least, she’s one friendly-baby. Good girl,Gegirl…

p/s: Gegirl's pic (top) isn't the latest one (that's why u can't see fringe). Tq.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

an entry that made me (almost) cry ;p

Just now i read an entry of a familiar blog and personally, i thought that particular entry sangat lah puitis, romantis, lagi manis bahasanya semanis tuan empunya blog juga.

After a decade of their relationship,honestly...i do pray and hope that the blog owner (u know who u are =) ) & my beloved (big) baby brother will be together foreverrrrrr..aminnnn


NuffNang? What is NuffNang?? The meaning of that particular word is Real Good. It is an English dialect actually.

And what is NuffNang Advert??? It is a blogger advertising community. A medium of advertising and also a chance to earn money from blogging. In order to earn $$$ we need to put NuffNang Advert on our blog and the money earn depends on the number of visitors/readers we received daily/weekly. The more visitors the merrier lah amount we’ll received in our account. Syiok ho. Some of the bloggers are now a full-time bloggers and earn on average of RM10,000 per month. Rindok ohh! To name a few, macam Kenny Sia & Red Mummy.

There was one fine evening a friend of mine, Rihanna (bukan nama sebenar) asked me whether I’m interested to join the NuffNang Community. Once I heard about the $$$, rasa mcm mahu however, sik jadi meneruskan hasrat sebab my blog is only to be read by those yg saya kenal sahaja. Not ready to share my blog with the others di luar lingkungan family/close friends. =)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

via mobile

i rarely blog nowadays and this post pun sebenarnya will be a (very) short post.semadi nadai.right now posting via my mobile.jadinya,terkedek-kedek lah menaip.

Ever heard of NuffNang Advert? Ok,yalah nak d blog i. Tapi not today la nampak gaya. Angolku naip panjang2 k hp. i'll continue in my next post...ihihihihiii