1. Her weight is around 9 kg. Exact weight tunggu till her next appointment with her Paed on early march.
2. Loves gadgets esp handphones! So pls keep ur handphone/s in ur pocket/handbag or else she’ll grab it from ur hand in seconds.
3. Her fav words = "papapa,mamama...papa,mamak"
4. Gegirl is very manjak with her papa. Mun dah main ngan papanya,kamek nunggah pun eksen sik tauk aie. Oh ya, she’s also manjak with her TokJack(my father).
5. To date, she has 6 teeth which surprised most of us because kebiasaannya baby with her age has 2/3 teeth and some babies belum tumbuh gigi lagi. *big-clap!* and she is one strong baby…alhamdulillah dlm proses teething sik kenak fever.
6. Nektok dah start gigit orang and I think I was her first ‘mangsa gigit’.When I eksen nangis sbb sakit(nang sakit pun) she’ll laugh! Aduhhaiii buah atiii..
7. Gegirl loves to click her tongue – cluck,cluck,cluck and looks very ngegeh (yet cute) bila molah mcm ya.
8. Her sleeping time:
During the day, on average 3 naps and each nap won’t exceed 2 hours. Typically 30-60mins.
On night time, 1 nap between Maghrib & Isyak which usually takes 20-30 mins. If more than that, alamatnya ready jak…heroin sikmok tido till midnight. Normal sleeping time is at 10.00-10.30pm. She will ‘nangis-eksen’ mun nya lapar tgh mlm (signal mok susu).
9. Loves bath-time! Loves splashing! Lencun lepas berik mandik nya..leboorrr..
10. Her hair is longer (a bit). She has fringe which I think soon needs to be trimmed.
11. On average, a box of her formula milk will last for a week. On the other hand, a pack of her diapers will last for 2 weeks. And just a note, both her formula milk and diapers are of the best among all brands. She is a high-maintenance baby.
12. Started to practice walking in her pink-walker and she can moves fast. Pheeewittt.
13. She also knows how to stand and walk in her own cot/playpen. She’ll be standing one minute then fall, pick up herself, then fall again…berulang-ulang mcm ya. Perseverance is good =)
14. Gegirl also loves discovering new things which made us to (always) moniter her. Ada jak nak di gigit/jilat/masok mulut.
15. When we asked her “ney fan(kipas) ney?” she’ll instantly look-up to the ceiling.
2. Loves gadgets esp handphones! So pls keep ur handphone/s in ur pocket/handbag or else she’ll grab it from ur hand in seconds.
3. Her fav words = "papapa,mamama...papa,mamak"
4. Gegirl is very manjak with her papa. Mun dah main ngan papanya,kamek nunggah pun eksen sik tauk aie. Oh ya, she’s also manjak with her TokJack(my father).
5. To date, she has 6 teeth which surprised most of us because kebiasaannya baby with her age has 2/3 teeth and some babies belum tumbuh gigi lagi. *big-clap!* and she is one strong baby…alhamdulillah dlm proses teething sik kenak fever.
6. Nektok dah start gigit orang and I think I was her first ‘mangsa gigit’.When I eksen nangis sbb sakit(nang sakit pun) she’ll laugh! Aduhhaiii buah atiii..
7. Gegirl loves to click her tongue – cluck,cluck,cluck and looks very ngegeh (yet cute) bila molah mcm ya.
8. Her sleeping time:
During the day, on average 3 naps and each nap won’t exceed 2 hours. Typically 30-60mins.
On night time, 1 nap between Maghrib & Isyak which usually takes 20-30 mins. If more than that, alamatnya ready jak…heroin sikmok tido till midnight. Normal sleeping time is at 10.00-10.30pm. She will ‘nangis-eksen’ mun nya lapar tgh mlm (signal mok susu).
9. Loves bath-time! Loves splashing! Lencun lepas berik mandik nya..leboorrr..
10. Her hair is longer (a bit). She has fringe which I think soon needs to be trimmed.
11. On average, a box of her formula milk will last for a week. On the other hand, a pack of her diapers will last for 2 weeks. And just a note, both her formula milk and diapers are of the best among all brands. She is a high-maintenance baby.
12. Started to practice walking in her pink-walker and she can moves fast. Pheeewittt.
13. She also knows how to stand and walk in her own cot/playpen. She’ll be standing one minute then fall, pick up herself, then fall again…berulang-ulang mcm ya. Perseverance is good =)
14. Gegirl also loves discovering new things which made us to (always) moniter her. Ada jak nak di gigit/jilat/masok mulut.
15. When we asked her “ney fan(kipas) ney?” she’ll instantly look-up to the ceiling.
16. Few weeks ago,started sleeping in her own cot (good-girl anak mama). Before this we (papa,mama,gegirl) slept together on our king-sized bed and lil’heroin always conquered the bed sampey papa & mamanya tdo ke ujong katil. ;)
17. Sangat suka lau-lau(raon)!
18. Last but not least, she’s one friendly-baby. Good girl,Gegirl…
p/s: Gegirl's pic (top) isn't the latest one (that's why u can't see fringe). Tq.
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